Cape Camino’s mission is to facilitate a Camino Way, with space for personal reflection and growth.
Cape Camino believes in supporting small/medium, family-run, local establishments and the revenue generated goes directly to the communities, which creates employment and business sustainability. On a typical 40 day Camino, over 100 small businesses are supported.​

Creating a culture of Peace, Unity & Thriving for the whole nation.
A Camino is a National Asset. It is a dynamic and organic unfolding of new routes, new sacred spaces and hosts as the locals embrace this new idea, participate and take ownership.
A pilgrim's journey has purpose and intention for you and you alone. This is what sets it apart from a hike or a walk. We have organized for you, to the best of our ability, access to information to assist you with your journey. But it remains your journey and your responsibility to use the experience to best maximise your intentions.
Cape Camino’s Core Values
Within all sacred spaces, of our diversity, the energy of love and peace is present. You are encouraged to explore the sacred, both internally and externally.​

You are responsible for your own experience. If unexpected challenges arise, which you are not able to resolve, reach out to your hosts to assist.

Camino Spirit
Trust that whatever it is that you need, will present itself to you.

We are all One. Separation is a myth that keeps us in conflict. The truth is that we are inextricably connected. “I am, because we are” UBUNTU

Personal Growth
Hold a curious, open mind to become a better version of yourself. You are stronger and more capable than you think. Challenge yourself so you can grow. Let go of the things that are not serving you.

​Culture of kindness and consideration
For yourself, fellow pilgrims and hosts.

By walking Cape Camino you’re investing in small business development and growing communities.

All are welcome.

Remember to have fun- It’s only a pilgrimage after all.

Media Features
Walk the Cape Camino. By rediscovering a city on foot, you are likely to rediscover yourself.
Mango Airlines, Juice Magazine. Page 54

Paul Harris Fellow
Award presented to Gabrielle Andrew 20/11/2021
In appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given for the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world.
History and route development

The route is inspired by El Camino de Santiago in Europe.
A mother and daughter team, Gabrielle and Peggy walked Camino de Santiago in 2011 and Gabrielle was blown away by how much the broader community benefits from passing pilgrims.
Cape Camino Peninsula section, a 7-day pilgrimage, was launched in 2015.
South Africa is in need of small business development and in 2016 the Department of Agriculture appointed Cape Camino to develop a route along the Berg River, into the Agritourism space. This gave rise to the extension route from Wellington to Velddrif, following the direction of the Berg River to its source in Velddrif.
Another 7 days later, the Sandveld and Strand section through West Coast towns and along the coast was launched soon after. Today, in 2021 the Cape Camino is 32 days and approximately 640 kms. It is still growing.
Gabrielle: "I have total faith that this country is great in every way. We have endured the heart wrenching pain of separateness; the greatest lie in all humanity. And now, we shall overcome, we shall triumph, together. My skill is facilitation and my goal is to facilitate consensus within our powerful diversity. We have the same needs of decency and respect. The same needs for shelter, employment and safety. We need to hear our own voices, our history, our visions for the future. We all need spaces to play and work and worship. And it is in these spaces of worship that we find Grace."
Peggy: “On Camino, I found that it's OK for expectations not to be met. That unlikely people can have so much in common. That new adventures are good for my soul”